Clone Wars Era Ships


Every Starfighter ever used by the Republic! I are certain there will be a few that you under no circumstances noticed of. We are focusing on Clone Wars era RepubIic Starfighters. And wé will make a checklist of every Aged Republic, and Néw Republic starfighter ás well.

Clone Wars Era Ships

The 10 Best Starships Of The Star Wars Prequels. The Eta-2 is also known as the Jedi Interceptor, and it’s the ship Jedi flew into battle late in the Clone Wars. You see a lot of them in Revenge of the Sith. It’s probably not an accident that this 5.47 meters long ship looks like a hybrid between a TIE-Fighter and a more traditional fighter. Victory-I class Star Destroyer Heavy warship used by the Republic about half-way through the Clone Wars and later throughout the Galactic Civil War and beyond. Successor to the Venator, this ship has hundreds of concussion missiles and quad turbolaser along its hull, threatening any opposing starship. As the Clone Wars escalate, then, it is only natural that they throw this weight into developing advanced starfighter technology that can help them put the Republic on the defensive. Call of duty world at war vendetta gameplay. The result of this research is a unique blend of cheap but deadly droid starfighters and heavily armed ships controlled by 'more traditional' organic pilots.

This entry was posted on 6/24/2019.